How would you like to earn money giving your valuable advice online? There are many sites that are willing to pay you for what you know. The list that follows includes some of the more well-known and reputable sites that will pay you for your expertise on a variety of topics. Put your knowledge to good use and get paid while doing!

If you can't do the job online from any country in the world, you won't find it on my list!

Offers business advice. The platform connects individuals or businesses looking for answers related to business with thousands of freelance professionals around the world who bid for the chance to offer their expertise. Consultants set their own rate and pay a small fee for processing. The average earning for a consultant is somewhere between $75-125 per hour.  

This platform is all about offering business sense advice. If you own a business or you’re an expert in the field of business and would like to share your experiences and knowledge with others then this is one site to check out. You bid on questions and then they take a commission but it didn’t say how much it was. Also, the site says that you have to have enough money in your account to cover their commission. If not, your account will be frozen. Payment is made twice a month via Paypal or others means.

Offer your expertise on Just Answeran answer-and-question site with over 20 million people. You could earn 20% of the amount the customer pays or work your way up to 50%. Payment is issued monthly via Paypal but the minimum payout is $25.

A global network made up of every type of expert. Just sign up free, select an hourly rate, offer your expertise, and get paid. Payment is made through direct deposit, Paypal, or check up to 3 weeks after the initial request is made for a payout, but there must be a minimum of $25 in the account to request a payout. Also, there's a monthly fee of $4-25. 
Sign up for a free Ether phone number in 2 minutes to offer advice on anything you have knowledge in. Once you're signed up, calls can be forwarded to your number. Then set the rate you want to charge clients. When a customer prepays your rate, your phone rings during the hours that you stipulate. Ether will take a 15% commission from what you make. There are other features that allow you to sell contents through an Ether email or a button that you can place on your website. However, work seems to be hard to get. No monthly fees. 

Skillshare is not the traditional answer-and-question platform where experts provide answers to a customer's question. Instead, its “a learning community where anyone can discover, take, or even teach a class.” If you have expertise in painting, music, dance, musical instrument, or other types of skills, you can teach a class and earn from that. The site says it pays it’s teachers 30%-50% of all the revenue received and payment is through Paypal.

This online platform allows you to sell your expertise mainly through video or webinars, and live online consultation. There’s a 14-day free trial offer. After that, the lowest plan “starter” will cost you $27 per month paid annually.  

Still want more? Check these others out.

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